English Drama Club First Meeting
Hello! Again, long time no see. I was a bit busy (and lazy of course)
I have been doing lots of CAS activities and some internal assessment researches to start them early to not deal with them in DP2. So, in order to do some CAS activities, I joined some clubs at the beginning of the year, like ENGLISH DRAMA!!
We’re planning on making a play with kindergarten and primary school students, Little Red Riding Hood. We, high school students, are going to voice over the kindergarten and primary school students, and they are going to act.
For this play, I am the Stage Director! This means I deal with the children, I teach them how to act and move in sync with the voiceovers. They are so cute! I haven’t met them all yet but all of the ones that I met was so sweet! I talked in English only and they were so smart! They understood everything I said, even though they are like 7–10. We were all so surprised.
Being a stage director requires lots of work and it includes writing the script as well. I can’t say I wrote the whole play BUT I changed lots of parts. After we chose the play, teachers found a script online, but it was a bit violent (Wolf eats the Little Red Riding Hood!!), so I rewrote it. I planned the stage as well! I can say I’m proud of my work!!
So, here are some photos that my friends took!
I’m glad my teachers agreed to give these duties to me, I really enjoy Drama, Theatre and Acting stuff, and the kids are so cute❤ I hope this activity will help me improve my skills.